Friday, June 19, 2009

Ayatollah Khamenei to lead Friday prayers

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei will lead this week's Friday prayers in Tehran University.

"The massive turnout of the Iranian nation in the Friday prayers congregation will manifest the solidarity and unity among Iranians," IRNA quoted Iran's Friday prayers headquarters as saying.

This week's Friday prayers come a week after Iran's presidential election in which the incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was re-elected as president with almost two-thirds of votes.

However, his main rival Mir-Hossein Mousavi along side Mehdi Karroui, another defeated candidate, have rejected the result as fraudulent and demanded a re-run of the election.

Hundreds of thousands of Moussavi supporters have staged daily rallies since the announcement of election results on Saturday, asking the Guardian Council to nullify the election.

Ayatollah Khamenei has said a recount of the vote could be held in the presence of representatives of the presidential candidates, should the investigations show such a measure is required.

Despite Mousavi's insistence on the peaceful nature of protests, violence flared in early stages of demonstrations which started in the weekend. At least eight people were killed in Tehran and many others sustained injuries.

Iran's Intelligence Ministry said on Wednesday that it had arrested a number of 'main agents', who masterminded the post-election violence in Tehran.

The Leader said on Tuesday that those who vandalize public property and stage violent riots are not related to any of the presidential candidates or their supporters.

Ayatollah Khamenei said all candidates are backing the principles of the Islamic Republic and support peace in the country.

The Leader called on all political figures to take a clear position against the post-election violence and urged the Iranian nation to withstand those committing crimes in the streets.

The Friday prayers will come days after Tehran University's dormitory was attacked in the aftermath of the disputed election.

Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has blamed the Interior Ministry for the crackdown on the university, as well as other attacks on civilians.

Investigating lawmakers, who are demanding the release of the detained students, are calling for the arrest and punishment of those who perpetrated the violence and for students to be compensated for their losses.


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