Monday, June 8, 2009

7 great places to work (4/7)

Maya Design

After taking a six-week, fully paid maternity leave earlier this year, Francine Gemperle was anxious to resume her job but reluctant to be away from her infant daughter, Veronica. Fortunately, she didn't have to choose between them. Maya Design, a Pittsburgh-based creative consulting firm, allows parents to bring newborns into the office.

"If I'd had to leave my children after my maternity leave ended, I would never have gone back to work," says Gemperle, a designer and researcher.

Mickey McManus, Maya's CEO and president, believes that the policy builds loyalty and helps parents shift back into work mode.

"Babies at work, four-week vacations, continuing education -- it's important to strike a good balance between work and life," he says.


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