Saturday, June 20, 2009

Election watchdog to recount only 10% of votes

Iran's Guardian Council says it is ready to recount a random 10 percent of the ballot boxes in the last Friday's presidential election.

"Although the Guardian Council is not legally obliged ... we are ready to recount 10 percent of the (ballot) boxes randomly in the presence of representatives of the candidates," the electoral watchdog's spokesman, Abbas-Ali Kadkhodayi said on Saturday.

Kadkhodayi was scheduled to hold a meeting with the three defeated candidates in the presidential election -- Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Mohsen Rezaei and Mehdi Karroubi. However, only Rezaei attended the meeting.

The body, tasked with overseeing the electoral process, has said it received more than 600 complaints of irregularities from the three candidates.

Mousavi and Karroubi have rejected the June 12 election as fraudulent and demanded a re-run.

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